Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spray Park Fun!!

After Breakfast on Tuesday morning Matthew and I packed up the car and headed to Allen to hang out with our friends Ashley and Julianna Belcher. Julianna's daddy, Nic, and Bryan were roommates in college and now Ashley and I are good friends.
Once we got to the Belcher's house, Matthew and Julianna ran around and played with her toys. Lately Matthew has been shy when we are with groups of friends or if we are in new environments; however, as soon as we walked through the door he was wanting to get down. Julianna ran up to him and excitedly said "Map, Map" so Matthew knew it was okay to get down and explore! As the day progressed Matthew's name went from "Map" to "Maphew", it was really cute!! Of course I was "Corty".
After about 30 or 45 minutes of playing and catching up, we left for the local splash park. I was a little hesitant because I didn't know if Matthew would enjoy it. We go to the local malls to play on their playgrounds but he usually sticks close to me and doesn't want to venture out by himself. I wasn't sure if adding water to the equation would help!
I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story!!

Here's Matthew's first few steps out into the splash park. He's not quite sure just yet...

But he quickly realizes it is a lot of fun!!

Julianna lost her shoe

Matthew and Julianna liked the middle where water shot up in the air

You'll notice a few of these pictures are of Matthew's backside. I wasn't fast enough to take pictures infront of him! He was having too much fun to slow down for pictures!!

The orange and red pipes behind Matthew shot water out when you pushed the button on the pole. One of them had a snake head on it and made noises when the water shot out.

We tried getting the kiddo's to pose together but that became too difficult. Julianna was trying her best to hold Matthew's hand for a picture but he was wanting to walk through the mist instead.
I'm not kidding when I say he had a blast! I could NOT get him to leave. Even after I dried him off he climbed off the park bench and wanted to head back out into the water!

Walking through the misters

On top of this pole were little buckets that would fill up with water. Once they were full they would topple over and the water would fall out. At one point Matthew was standing right under a bucket at the perfect time. He really liked getting the water dumped on him! He kept walking back over there to see if it would happen again.

When I asked Matthew if he was having fun he signed "more"! I think he thought we were about to leave.

Two cute kids having lots of fun!!

When we were finished we went back to the Belcher's house for lunch.

Matthew had SO much fun and I enjoyed watching him having a good time. It's amazing how your heart warms when you watch your child enjoy what they are doing!!
After lunch Matthew and I headed back home. By the time we got to the end of their street Matthew was passed out in his car seat. He ended up sleeping 3 1/2 hours that afternoon (he usually naps for about an hour and a half - TOPS)! Ashley and I decided this play date is a definite must for the future!!!

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