~You love to study your toys and figure out how they work.
~ You are talking much more these days. I love listening to everything you have to say. Your favorite words are "Uh oh", "Buyeeeee" (Bye), "Nigh Nigh" (Night Night), "Da Da" (Daddy), "Momma", "Ibel" (Bible), "Eeeese" (Cheese), "Ball", "Anana" (Banana), "Oh-ur" (Yogurt)....The list goes on and on but those are just a few.
~When I say "One" you follow with "Two". We can do this all the way to number ten!
~You LOVE music. You enjoy listening to your children's CD and sometimes I catch you humming along with the songs.
~You do all the hand motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
~"The Farmer and the Dale" used to be your most favorite song. Now when I sing it you fill in the blanks for me ("The child takes the.....dog", "The dog takes the.....at (cat)").
~You have such a sweet spirit. You are so gentle with all your friends. When one of them is upset you go to them to make sure they are okay.
~You share your toys with your friends and your mommy and daddy ;)
~You absolutely love, Love, LOVE sports!! You love watching them and you love playing them. Right now your favorite is basketball. When it's warm outside your daddy and you shoot hoops in our driveway. Now that it's cold you play with your "Little Tikes" goal in the house, and you're pretty good! Your daddy and I often contemplate what sport you will choose to play when you get older.
~You like to help me around the house which is something I really enjoy! Whenever I clean you like to have a dust rag too and yesterday you helped me sweep! I just hope this continues as you get older :)
~You are such a good sleeper. You sleep around 12 hours each night with a 2 hour nap during the day. You will go to sleep anywhere, which allows your daddy and I to visit our friends in the evenings.
~Whenever I get you out of your car seat you will lean over and give me a kiss, absolutely makes my heart melt!!!
I could go on and on about the great things you have accomplished! I love you so much!! I had NO idea how much my life would change when I had you. Your daddy and I have had so much fun watching you grow and learn these past 2 years.
Here you are just barely an hour old
1 Day Old
On Your First Birthday
You're Two!!
Yup.......you're two.....
Being silly...
Happy Birthday Matthew Clark Stone!!
I love you SOOOOOOOOOOO much!!